- report started by victim
- victim notes (permanent - not visible to accused)
- attach evidence (preserves)
- live action (while decision is pending, to limit damage)
- de-rank search (before hide/remove decision by human)
- rate limit accused user's edits
- ignore list
- repeat COC violations immediate
- mod decides visibility
- are we legally prevented from notification
- will this mod decision be public or private
- which COC violation section are we referencing
- mod notes (permanent - not visible to either victim or accused)
- accused appeal (permanent - not visible to victim)
- mod action
- visibility of content (e.g., CSAM, DMCA, revenge porn, drugs, terrorism)
- loss of delegative authority
- loss of role
- reverse punishments
- feedback (from victim + accused)
- unfair result
- lazy mod
- escalation/redress (to parent group)
- action log
- reporter role (not specific user)
- moderator role (not specific moderator)
- accused/impacting (exact user)
- transparency data (e.g. Santa Clara transparency principles)
- number of search results downranked
- number of appeals
- number of complaints, from which countries, etc
- victim view
- starts off with when the report was created
- list of reports
- clarify reports
- view the mod wiki
- check the options that apply
- decide who to report it to